Saturday, August 6, 2011

Cars 2 "Gas Up and Go" Guido & Lightning McQueen Toy review Mattel Pixar

Hey guys, I just found this wicked awesome toy called "Gas up and Go" at my Disneystore yesterday and I wanted to show you, it comes with a deluxe oversized plastic car of Guide with Gas can and measures 3 1/4'' inches high by 3 inches long and also comes with a talking Lightning Mcqueen which talks to Guido more than 50 phrases and sounds! The more ''Gas'' you put in, the farther Lightning McQueen goes and if you press Race Start button it races up to 18 feet! Mcqueen has Flashing Fuel Light Indicator and its all made of plastic with paper stickers all over measuring 9 inches long by 5 inches wide. Requires 3 x AA batteries, included. And sells for $35, do not pay more than that..!

"Cars 2 Gas Up & Go" Guido and Lightning McQueen is Inspired by the new successful Disney Pixar film, Cars 2. Fill 'er up! Help Guido get Lightning McQueen fueled up for his next race. The more gas pumped from Guido's gas can, the faster McQueen goes, watch his wheels spin! Get ready to gas up, gear up and race! Includes oversized large scale Guido and Lightning McQueen vehicles. Kids will love reenacting their favorite scenes from the movie with the "Cars 2 Gas Up & Go Guido" and Lightning McQueen.

Guido, the little Italian forklift, is the backbone of Casa Della Tires. He's Luigi's assistant and best friend, and together they are the biggest Ferrari racing fans in Carburetor County. A car of few English words other than "pit stop," Guido is a force to be reckoned with when he's changing tires in the pits during a race. Joining Team Lightning McQueen for the World Grand Prix, Guido will get to show off his turbo-charged, pedal-to-the-metal pit stops on the global stage...and maybe, just maybe, he'll see some Ferraris!
In this film Guido and Luigi tag along with McQueen as his pit crew. He is seen serving drinks at the begining of the film. He also watches as Mater talks on the Mel Dorado Show. Later in Tokyo he doesn't believe that Holley Shiftwell is Mater's girlfriend until the end of the film when she says it herself in a jaw-dropping moment. Uncle Topolino reveals the Guido and Luigi used to always fight and they are seen fighting over a girl car until another girl car comes and they are both satisfied. He also helps fight the lemons later in the film. He tries to take off the bomb that was attached to Mater, but his drill won't do it and he gets frustrated and leaves. Guido spoke only In "Cars Toons" in an episode from "Mater's Tall Tales" shorts called: "Tokyo Mater" Guido says "modify" in English, which is one of the rare times he says an English word, and the only one in a Cars Toons episode.
"Like his boss Luigi, Guido is an avid Ferrari racing fan who dreams of performing a real pit stop on a real race car. To better prepare himself, he practices tire changes at night on wooden practice frames he built in his garage. One of these days, he hopes to set a new world record for the fastest pit stop of all time. But until that happens, he continues his quest to further enlighten himself. Currently, Guido is reading Tire Changes for the Soul, and Four Tires, One Goal.

"Cars 2 Gas Up & Go Guido"

Os Estúdios Pixar Animation e Walt Disney trazem o novo filme Carros 2 com o astro das pistas Relâmpago McQueen e seu melhor amigo, o incomparável guincho Mate chegam à linha de largada na nova aventura para terras exóticas por todo o planeta. Mas a estrada até a linha de chegada é cheia de perigos, curvas e surpresas quando Mate, por engano, acaba se envolvendo em uma intrigante aventura internacional de espionagem. Mate se vê dividido entre ajudar Relâmpago McQueen em uma corrida de alto nível e encontrar o fio da meada em uma missão supersecreta orquestrada pelo mestre da espionagem, o super espião britânico Finn McMíssil e sua fabulosa espiã em treinamento Holley Caixadibrita. A jornada repleta de ação de Mate o leva em uma explosiva perseguição pelas ruas do Japão, da Itália, França e Inglaterra, seguida por seus amigos e assistida pelo mundo todo. Acrescentando à diversão de alta octanagem está um elenco de novos carros pitorescos, barcos, trens e aviões, e ainda vilões cruéis e competidores de pistas internacionais. Tal como o seu patrão Luigi, Guido é um ávido fã das corridas de Ferrari que sonha em realizar um verdadeiro pit stop em uma verdadeira Ferrari. Para melhor preparar-se, ele treina as práticas de pneu à noite, na loja, onde existem molduras de madeira(com fotos e cartazes de Ferraris) que ele construiu em sua garagem. Um destes dias, ele pretende estabelecer um novo recorde mundial para o pit stop mais rápido de todos os tempos. Mas até que isso aconteça, ele continua sua cruzada para melhorar ainda mais.


Cars 2 Gas Up
Cars Gas Up Go
Cars 2
Cars 2 toys
Cars 2 new toys
Cars 2 Guido
Cars 2 Gear Up
Cars 2 diecast
Cars 2 die-cast
Cars 2 die cast
fail toys
toy channel
toy review
toys review
Disney toys
Pixar toys
Disney animation
Carros 2
Guido Luigi
Relâmpago McQueen
Mattel toys
Disney toy review

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